Steamy romance and thrilling fantasies.

The Dark Matter Between Our Hearts S2 Launch Celebration

L. Starla's Spooky Story Contest

About L. Starla

L. Starla is an Australian author who often raided her mother’s shelves for any form of fiction she could get her hands on. Her first love was the horror genre, but she owes her love affair with the romance novel to her high-school English teacher, who started her on the classics. Given her earlier reading, magical realism and paranormal romance were a natural progression. Along with steamy romance, these are the genres she writes.

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Who’s your favourite Winter’s Magic Brother? L. Starla will write something special for the winner.


Five Stars

“L. Starla’s newest book in the Winter’s Magic series takes us down a dark path. Featuring incest, BDSM, and rape, Winter’s Thrall is not for the fainthearted. Yet it will appeal to those who love lots of hot, spicy scenes and a captivating story with magic, Egyptian lore, and enthralling characters in a well thought out world.”

Up and coming author, Elli Morgan

Five Stars

“This continuation of Winters Maiden 1 was very intriguing, loved all the plot twists and turns. The romance on and off and on and off. I was kept guessing until the end of the book.
I can’t wait to read the next book in the series.
I enjoyed reading this book mostly because a lot of action going on and you never know what’s going to happen next.”

— Goodreads Reviewer

Five Stars

“Forbidden romances, slow burn chemistry and suspenseful twists and turns I never saw coming.
I was totally hooked from the first page and loved seeing how each character grew from the choices they made to find their happiness. Its by far not the smoothest of romances for all but L. Starla knows how to push the limits and write unpredictable romances, giving her characters the HEA that’s perfect for them.”

— Goodreads Reviewer

Five Stars

“I legitimately finished this book in less than two days; not because it was short but because it was THAT GOOD! I absolutely love the chemistry and the character development. There’s so much that happens and with each chapter I grew to love the characters so much I’d find myself yelling at them when they do something I felt was stupid! She made them real and relatable to the point where even me as a reader could be angry with them while still getting why they did what they did. “

— Author Amanda Mashburn

Five Stars

“What an amazing author! This book is excellent. Lots of great imagery and heat. L. Starla is a very skilled writer who excels at investing you into the story and developing the characters. Highly recommend.”

— Author Jennifer Hartmann (Amazon Bestseller)

Five Stars

“The author got straight into the story with just the first chapter and I was caught off guard but in a good way! This book is romantic, and sweet and the relationship in it really pushes all the boundaries! I only read books like this if they are well written and the author did an amazing job. The innocence between characters is wooow. I look forward to reading more from this author.”

— Author Empress Chang

Five Stars

“This is not your typical story of a forbidden romance in the heat of the moment.
Its a story of long awaited passion and having the confidence to explore ones sexuality and desires.
And yes, Phoebe and Jonah’s relationship was taboo because they met as student and teacher however they were both consenting adults who genuinely cared for each other and wanted a future together.

As the story progressed I wanted them to make it work and overcome the judgement and opinions of others when their relationship was revealed. It didn’t shy away from the reactions of others, while some were supportive, others were far from it and there were repercussions that they had to deal with. But throughout it all their genuine love for each other remained true.

You learn so much about Phoebe as she shares her life experiences as she becomes an adult, from exploring her inner erotic desires and intimate relationships, taking risks that were suspenseful and at time dangerous and learning to cope after trauma and loss.
You see her mature and grow to become an amazing self-confident and loving person.

From the beginning to the end, so much happened and I could have never imagined the direction the story would take. I loved the way this author pulled all the drama, romance and at times pain and suspense together to tell a beautiful and exciting story with a perfect HEA.”

Amazon US Customer