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My newsletter may contain a mix of the following and will vary from month-to-month:
  • A short introduction, sometimes with insights into my author life
  • Promos & Giveaways
  • Fun Contests and Surveys
  • Ads for my own books when they are released or if they go on sale (which is not often)
  • Snippets of my research materials
  • Short essays about genres and tropes
  • Interviews with people in the book world
  • Excerpts from my work in progress
  • Serial fiction episodes, when available
  • Links to exclusive content such as bonus scenes when available
  • Book recommendations and suggestions (books by other authors) which will always appear near the end of each newsletter
  • A chance to Buy me a Coffee if you liked my newsletter

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I put a lot of effort into creating and delivering a fun and interesting newsletter. If you do not like this sort of content, please do not signup, or if you wish to unsubscribe later, that’s fine, but please do not report my newsletter as spam when it is not. I am a real person, not a robot.


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