“Beneath Contempt” Book Review

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Title: Beneath Contempt (Of Magic and Contempt Book 1)
Author: Jade Thorn
Publication Date: 11th July 2020
Genres: Paranormal Romance, Urban Fantasy
Source: Free ARC (Book Funnel)

Rating: 2 out of 5 hearts. 

Lots of sexual references and innuendo, but no real steamy scenes.


Melody Bestia is a powerful witch, but years of abuse and neglect at the hands of her coven have held her back from meeting her full potential. Despite being the strongest of all beast tamers, Melody has not been permitted to keep any of the familiars that she bonds with. Her main role in the coven is to weaken the shifters so that the inferior members of her coven are able to claim them for their own nefarious purposes. It is a job she despises, but she is as much a slave as the shifters that are tricked into swearing their loyalty.

She gets her first taste of freedom when she is sent to Adolphus Academy, the premier beast taming school for witches who come into their majority at the age of twenty-five. But it is a false sense of freedom because Aunt Georgia has manipulated the situation to her advantage. Melody must bond with the five Apex shifters of the academy else she risks her own life. Try as she might, there is no avoiding the inevitable attraction that these strong alpha males feel toward Melody, so she must proceed with caution to protect their lives.


Jade Thorn has done an exceptional job of immersing me in her world. From the beginning I really felt for Melody and this emotional connection continued to grow with as her tragic plight unfolded. The characters are vivid, with some of the vilest villains I have ever read as well as lovable heroes and heartthrobs. Even the secondary characters came to life in my mind.

It would have been nice to see more sexual tension building between Melody and her harem, but this is only the first book in the series, so I have hopes for the future instalments. That aside, there was still plenty of other tension and conflict mounting as the story progressed.

Beneath Contempt is an intriguing tale of magic and self-sacrifice. I highly recommend this book to all readers of paranormal romance and urban fantasy.

About the Author

Jade Thorn is an Australian author of romance novels and a stay at home mother.

Website: https://jadethorn.blogspot.com/
Amazon Profile: https://www.amazon.com/Jade-Thorn/e/B07K1M1JB7/
Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/18563822.Jade_Thorn
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