September 2023 Author Life 

Author Life

Hello, dear readers!

I’m excited to share my recent visit to the Monarto Safari Park. Nestled in the heart of South Australia, Monarto Safari Park offers an unforgettable experience in the realm of wildlife. During my visit, I had the incredible opportunity to witness the majestic cheetahs in all their playful glory and even got to meet a heartwarming addition to the park, a baby Mongolian horse.

My visit began with eager anticipation as I headed straight for the Cheetah Habitat. The cheetah is renowned for its lightning-fast speed, but what surprised me most was their playful nature. As I watched them, I couldn’t help but be captivated by their sleek, spotted coats and the unmistakable beauty of their slender build. 

After spending time with the cheetahs, I embarked on a journey to the Mongolian Steppe, where I encountered something truly special—a baby Mongolian horse! This adorable and charismatic foal stole my heart the moment I laid eyes on it.

Monarto Safari Park isn’t just about providing visitors with a thrilling experience; it’s also dedicated to wildlife conservation and education. Throughout my visit, I had the chance to learn about the various conservation programs and initiatives that the park supports.

It was a fun filled day,  connecting with nature, learn about wildlife conservation, and create lasting memories.

Some glimpses from our Monarto Safari Park Visit…

(Click on the images to zoom).

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