August 2022 Author Life


After much anticipation, I recently took an amazing road trip interstate to the Grampians mountain range in Victoria, Australia. This is a stunning part of the country and if you ever visit the area, I highly recommend checking it out. I had hoped to see snow, since I haven’t seen any before. Alas, it was not quite cold enough for more than a few flakes to drift onto my arm on the hike up Mt. William. Still, it was worth the trek. 

Highlights of my trip include:

  • Hiking to the top of Mt. William (tallest peak in the Grampians) where a few snowflakes drifted down onto my arm;
  • visiting Australia’s Grand Canyon;
  • seeing the Silverband Falls; and,
  • playing mini golf amidst the lush foliage of this spectacular countryside.

Check out some of the photos I took below….

Undeniably Wrong goes live this weekend …… Stay tuned

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