May 2021 Update

My twelve year old son totally spoiled me this Mother’s Day, it was wonderful. A full cooked breakfast and lunch, plus a lovely gift: quality colour pencils and a sketch pad. He inspired me to get back into drawing. I’m definitely out of practice, but still pleased with my first piece in decades. I based this picture on the card he gave me:

Crystal's Crucible Launches in August 2021

Would you like a sample of my forthcoming romantic suspense/erotic thriller?

Read Chapter 1 here for FREE.

ARC Readers Needed

If you would like a free advance copy of Crystal’s Crucible in exchange for an honest review, please apply via one of the following:

Reviews must be posted by the 28th August to Amazon. It would be great if you could also post them to Goodreads and/or BookBub.

Winter's Maiden 1 Launch Party

Next week is party week. Join the fun here.

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