Crystal's Crucible Launch
I’m so excited and nervous because my latest book goes out to the world soon! The eBook will be exclusive to Amazon until February 2022 when it goes wide. This means you can get it FREE on Kindle Unlimited during this time.
Why am I rolling this book out at different times to different platforms? Because I am entering Crystal’s Crucible in the Kindle Storyteller Contest! I am extremely proud of this book and I think it is prize worthy. I hope you think so too. It would mean the world to me if you could please show your support by either purchasing a copy on Amazon, or reading it on Kindle Unlimited and leaving your feedback on Amazon.
Virtual Book Release Party
Celebrate the release of Crystal’s Crucible with L. Starla and a bunch of other awesome romance authors. There will be games, giveaways, readings and more!
Guest authors include: Sofia Aves, Empress Chang, Chelle Pimblott, T. Maree, Frankie Page, J. Rose, Debra St. James, and Clarice Jayne.
Join the party for your chance to win the grand prize:
- A signed set of The Phoebe Braddock Books
- Book swag, including a jigsaw puzzle, 8GB USB stick, and a pen.
- $20 eBook store gift card
- RSVP “Going” on Facebook
- Join the party group
- Participate to increase your chances

Winter's Maiden ARCs
Would you like two FREE books in exchange for an honest review?
Winter’s Maiden (Winter’s Magic Parts 1 & 2) ARCs are now available, with the first book of the series included for anyone who hasn’t yet read it.
Join L. Starla’s ARC Team for chances to win signed paperbacks!
- Complimentary digital copies of my new books that you’ll get up to 3 full months before anyone else. You can pick and choose which books to read.
- An opportunity to win a signed paperback with each release.
All you will need to do is read the books you claim and leave short, honest reviews on Amazon, Kobo, or Barnes & Noble. Goodreads and BookBub reviews are also appreciated.