Guest Blog Post

Guest Post

Writing Tips

Writing stories is an art enjoyed by all age groups across the globe. It isn’t a difficult task if you are familiar with certain basic tips and apply them to your writing.
Let’s discuss the most important ones.
1) Give an attractive title depicting the main theme and content of the story in a word or line.
2) Start with an introduction paragraph and slowly move into the actual running story.
3) Introduce the characters one by one, their personalities, nature, and intentions, and settle them into the story.
4) Even if you are telling a simple story, it could be narrated in an interesting and engaging manner. Divide the content into chapters and gradually enlarge the graph of emotion in the story so that readers connect with it. Make sure there is a suspense element, and slowly spill the beans as the story moves on.
5) Give a conclusion and perfect ending that touch the readers’ hearts and will be remembered by them for a very long time.

About the Anup Jetty:

Anup Jetty is an Indian author of fiction. He writes predominantly love stories and action entertainers with a social message. Anup, from his childhood itself, has been very fond of films, and working for films is his goal. He is a big fan of directors Shankar and Maniratnam. Their films influenced him a lot and molded him into a writer.

He has a unique style of narration that gives a visual cinematic experience to the readers. His novels, Howrah Bridge and Kalki, are best sellers and have received highly positive reviews from readers all over India. His novels are placed in many of the oldest and largest libraries. He received the Indian Golden Award for 2022 for his debut novel.

Apart from writing novels, he also writes poems, and short stories, and has directed a couple of short films. He is presently working on a love story, which is likely to release next year.

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