Starla’s September 2022 Reviews

Sep 2022 Reviews
Girl Crush

Girl Crush
(Girl Crush #1)

By Rori K. Pierce

Genre: Romance, LGBTQ, Young Adult
POV: 3rd Person, past tense, alternating dual perspective
Heat gauge: 🔥 (1/5)

The story is about Cori Wright, whose  entire world is disintegrating. Circumstances compel her mother to relocate them just before the start of her senior year. In a bid to ease into life at her new school, she contacts a mutal aquaintance. All she  knows is a phone number and the name: Jesse Howell. Cori clings to Jesse’s friendship, falling for her new friend, even before they meet in person. When they do meet, she crushes harder than ever. Then, she makes a shocking realization. Jesse is a girl.

I really liked the book cover and blurb. Protagonist Cori Wright was an interesting character.  However, as the story progresses, I started losing interest. 

Personally, I am a big fan of LGBTQ+ stories, however, the twist in the story falls flat. 

Overall, this is a good one time read for teenagers, but maybe not for seasoned readers. 

Heart of the Reaper

Heart of the Reaper
By Y.D. La Mar

Genre: Paranormal Romance, Adult Fiction, Fantasy
Content Warnings: Non-con, Suicidal Ideation, Depression, BDSM and Human Trafficking
POV: 3rd Person, past tense, alternating dual perspective
Heat gauge: 🔥🔥🔥🔥 (4/5)

The protagonist of the story is a troubled soul. She has been through so much in her life that, at times, breaking down seems to be the only option. However, the only thing that keeps her together is her love for a monster.

She never planned to fall for him, but it happened anyway. Still, he doesn’t return her love, constantly pushing back until she is ready to move on.

The first thing I liked about the book was the character descriptions. The monster actually felt like one. The author painted his description in such detail that I could picture him vividly in my mind. Reese is a well-defined character too, and the monster did not overshadow her.

The story was engrossing and kept my attention until the very last page. I recommend this one if monster love is your jam.

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